Metigoshe, North Dakota Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in Metigoshe, ND for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

2830 properties found in Metigoshe, ND Learn more about real estate prices, residents and much more at Homemetry Address Directory.

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Street starts with:

44 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
1ST ST 12 77
2ND ST 24 84
3RD ST 18 51
4TH ST 13 142
5TH AVE 5 8
5TH ST 79 350
6TH AVE 4 6
6TH ST 19 96
7TH ST 36 211
8TH AVE 9 49
8TH ST 36 231
9TH AVE 7 22
9TH ST 23 94
10TH ST 42 398
11TH AVE 12 42
11TH ST 68 179
12TH AVE 6 57
12TH ST 34 185
13TH AVE 17 45
13TH ST 53 241
14TH AVE 9 33
15TH AVE 11 40
16TH AVE 18 62
17TH AVE 7 36
18TH AVE 11 47
19TH AVE 6 23
20TH AVE 4 18
21ST AVE 2 3
90TH ST 3 12
91ST ST 3 8
94TH ST 2 5
95TH ST 8 18
96TH ST 6 24
97TH ST 5 33
98TH ST 24 99
99TH ST 10 34
100TH ST 12 44
101ST ST 34 131
102ND ST 3 14
103RD ST 13 49
104TH ST 11 23
105TH ST 10 39
107TH ST 13 43
108TH ST 16 59
Street starts with: