Florence, Oregon Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in Florence, OR for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

11368 properties found in Florence, OR Learn more about real estate prices, residents and much more at Homemetry Address Directory.

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Street starts with:

66 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
1ST AVE 29 91
1ST ST 52 173
2ND AVE 36 114
2ND ST 57 274
3RD AVE 24 58
3RD ST 20 38
4TH AVE 26 59
4TH ST 21 58
5TH AVE 13 52
6TH ST 23 93
7TH ST 33 218
8TH ST 48 400
9TH ST 61 646
10TH ST 49 325
11TH ST 53 230
12TH ST 38 421
13TH ST 22 102
14TH ST 8 48
15TH PL 4 11
15TH ST 33 232
16TH ST 44 264
17TH PL 3 11
17TH ST 64 308
18TH CT 3 9
18TH PL 1 4
18TH ST 61 292
19TH ST 39 206
20TH ST 74 384
21ST ST 28 134
22ND CT 15 55
22ND ST 30 196
23RD ST 40 204
24TH ST 44 229
25TH ST 12 62
26TH ST 7 34
27TH ST 6 116
28TH PL 7 9
28TH ST 8 25
29TH ST 24 116
30TH ST 39 132
30TH WAY 33 99
31ST PL 5 10
31ST ST 40 186
31ST WAY 5 12
32ND PL 4 9
32ND ST 11 50
33RD PL 1 3
34TH PL 12 58
34TH ST 23 122
35TH CT 6 18
35TH ST 19 55
35TH WAY 21 57
36TH ST 15 88
37TH ST 17 79
38TH LOOP 12 21
38TH PL 12 42
40TH ST 11 46
41ST PL 6 13
41ST ST 21 97
42ND ST 25 118
42ND WAY 31 107
43RD ST 4 164
43RD WAY 10 119
44TH ST 5 27
45TH ST 8 51
52ND ST 8 14
Street starts with: