Wadena, Minnesota Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in Wadena, MN for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

3717 properties found in Wadena, MN Learn more about real estate prices, residents and much more at Homemetry Address Directory.

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Street starts with:

70 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
1ST ST 190 1,174
2ND ST 236 2,060
3RD ST 147 1,178
4TH ST 57 282
5TH ST 50 331
6TH ST 41 324
7TH ST 67 329
8TH ST 38 196
9TH ST 27 125
10TH ST 58 313
11TH ST 27 118
12TH ST 8 78
13TH ST 10 39
16TH ST 2 5
105TH AVE 9 30
107TH AVE 2 6
110TH ST 6 29
111TH AVE 17 72
120TH ST 14 62
121ST AVE 14 56
123RD AVE 7 30
124TH ST 6 28
125TH AVE 13 65
129TH AVE 10 54
130TH ST 15 59
131ST AVE 3 12
133RD AVE 6 22
140TH ST 9 39
141ST AVE 17 69
145TH AVE 10 44
150TH ST 52 234
151ST AVE 10 29
155TH AVE 13 48
160TH ST 8 45
161ST AVE 9 33
170TH ST 16 49
176TH ST 7 20
180TH ST 8 29
190TH ST 12 53
200TH ST 13 43
210TH ST 5 15
220TH ST 11 23
230TH ST 12 47
250TH ST 1 10
260TH ST 3 8
280TH ST 13 44
285TH ST 4 16
290TH ST 9 26
300TH ST 3 12
303RD ST 3 6
310TH ST 5 10
320TH ST 17 80
330TH ST 9 43
335TH ST 4 17
340TH ST 4 12
360TH ST 7 19
400TH ST 1 7
403RD ST 3 10
410TH ST 2 6
425TH ST 2 5
440TH ST 6 25
595TH AVE 10 57
600TH AVE 4 24
610TH AVE 13 45
613TH AVE 6 15
615TH AVE 6 33
620TH AVE 21 74
624TH AVE 1 7
633RD AVE 3 17
640TH AVE 14 50
Street starts with: